Collection Management

Our collections by the numbers

  • Over one million monographs
  • Access to over 20,000 serial subscriptions
  • Over 170 electronic bibliographic, full-text and informational databases
  • 27,000 media materials
  • Over 600,000 electronic books
  • 1.5 million microforms
  • 20,000 maps
  • 1.1 million state and federal government documents

Our collection development mission

We strive to build a collection that defines the academic and research library of the 21st century with an emphasis on access and discovery of widely available resources, regardless of format or ownership.

Our collections embrace the shift from a traditional collection-centric library to a more responsive “user-centric” library.

  1. Primary emphasis is on building the collection via ownership covering the core areas for curriculum and research and areas of regional interest.
  2. Secondary emphasis is on expanding the ownership model by providing library patrons with multiple services in order to enhance access to information at the point of need.

We provide increased access to information through enhanced document delivery services and leasing of information resources through implementation of new collection services, such as patron-driven acquisitions. We develop their collections and plan information access strategies based on a continuing analysis of the University's evolving academic programs, research interests, and user needs.

We acquire or provide access to a wide variety of resources in all formats, with a special emphasis on increasing access to online scholarly resources.

  1. Our first priority in selection of materials is to support the research and curricular needs of our students and faculty, by providing material for curricular and research needs.
  2. Our second priority is to provide a collection that supports the public service mission of UNLV and to provide Nevada residents resources to support individual, business, cultural, educational, governmental, and other information needs.

Notable Collections

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Collection management

The collection management department conducts periodic and systematic evaluations using a variety of techniques to ensure that the collection keeps pace with the changing and growing needs of the university community.  The Libraries regularly assesses materials for reformatting, preservation, replacement, storage or withdrawal to ensure the continued integrity and usefulness of the collection.

Collaboration with others

As new programs are developed, we look forward to working with departments and administrators to ensure that valuable library collections and information resources are made available to students and faculty in these areas. The administration and development of the Libraries’ collection is conducted on a collaborative basis with faculty and user communities, along with cooperation and partnerships with regional and national academic libraries.

The Libraries spend state and endowed funds in the most efficient and cost-effective methods possible, pursuing appropriate consortial relationships that maximize our buying power, deliver cost avoidance, and increases our ability to acquire and access scholarly resources. We currently participate in several library consortial partnerships. 

Consortial partnerships

For more information regarding the University Libraries’ collections, please contact: Cory Tucker, Head of Collection Management 702-895-2133 or